Beispielhafte Seitenstruktur

  1. Banner: „Danke, dass du ein Teil dieser Erinnerung bist!“

  2. Kurzer Text: „Hast du besondere Momente, die du mit anderen teilen möchtest? Starte dein eigenes Buch und verewige unvergessliche Augenblicke.“

  3. CTA (Schaltfläche): „Eigenes Buch erstellen“

  4. Inspirierende Beispielbilder: Freundebücher, Jahrbücher, Vereinsbücher etc., mit Kurzbeschreibung und Link „So funktioniert’s“.

  5. Optionale CTA: „Lass dich inspirieren“ und „Wie funktioniert’s?“ für vertiefende Informationen

  6. Optionales Angebot: „Erhalte 10% Rabatt auf dein erstes Buch!“


Thank you for being part of this memory!

Do you also have special moments and people that you would like to immortalize in a book? Create your own book and share precious memories with those who are important to you!

Start your own book for
free today with the voucher THANKYOU100*

Do you also have special moments and people that you would like to immortalize in a book? Create your own book and share precious memories with those who are important to you!

* the voucher is automatically applied on button-click

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Thank you for being part of this memory!

Do you also have special moments and people that you would like to immortalize in a book? Create your own book and share precious memories with those who are important to you!

Start your own book for
free today with the voucher THANKYOU100*

Do you also have special moments and people that you would like to immortalize in a book? Create your own book and share precious memories with those who are important to you!

As thank you for your participation, we invite you to start your personal Friendship Book now – for free!

* the voucher is automatically applied on button-click

  • Complete the layout in less than 5 minutes
  • Connect with your friends in a special way
  • Try out free – no strings attached